
Basic configuration

All services are set with fairly conservative defaults. For regular users, there is no need to change anything. The application should work out of the box.

You can edit the configuration.php file in order to customize the application, by changing things like the logo, the title, the language settings, and the upload permissions.

All other configuration files can be found in the config/ folder.


If you make a mistake in any of the configuration files (forgot to close a quote?), the application will fail to load, and log an error. Please use the provided default configuration_sample.php file to restore the configuration to its initial state.

'frontend_config' => [
     'app_name' => 'FileBrowser',
     'app_version' => APP_VERSION,
     'language' => 'english',
     'logo' => '',
     'upload_max_size' => 100 * 1024 * 1024, // 100MB
     'upload_chunk_size' => 1 * 1024 * 1024, // 1MB
     'upload_simultaneous' => 3,
     'default_archive_name' => '',
     'editable' => ['.txt', '.css', '.js', '.ts', '.html', '.php', '.json', '.ini', '.cnf', '.conf', '.env', '.monthly', '.weekly', '.daily', '.hourly', '.minute', '.htaccess'],
     'date_format' => 'YY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss', // see:
     'guest_redirection' => '', // useful for external auth adapters
     'search_simultaneous' => 5,
     'filter_entries' => [],

Adding Custom HTML

You can add additional html to the head and body like this:

'Filebrowser\Services\View\ViewInterface' => [
   'handler' => '\Filebrowser\Services\View\Adapters\Vuejs',
   'config' => [
       'add_to_head' => '<meta name="author" content="something">',
       'add_to_body' => '<script src=""></script>',

Tweaking the Look

To change default color scheme and other options, edit frontend/App.vue When you’re done, recompile with npm run build like described in the Project Setup for Development (Linux) section.

// Primary color
$primary: #34B891;
$primary-invert: findColorInvert($primary);

$colors: (
    "primary": ($primary, $primary-invert),
    "info": ($info, $info-invert),
    "success": ($success, $success-invert),
    "warning": ($warning, $warning-invert),
    "danger": ($danger, $danger-invert),

// Links
$link: $primary;
$link-invert: $primary-invert;
$link-focus-border: $primary;

// Disable the widescreen breakpoint
$widescreen-enabled: false;

// Disable the fullhd breakpoint
$fullhd-enabled: false;